The fair distribution of our company's profits is an integral part of our corporate culture. Profit participation was introduced at HANSE in 1997, to reward employees and key clients for their contribution to the company's success. Dr. Ronald C. Schweitzer, HANSE Group CEO introduced the concept at HANSE OIL to strengthen employee and client motivation and identification with his idea of "participation and partaking."
Since 2001 employee and client profit participation has been based on the HANSE Value Added (HVA), the same performance index that determines the performance-based remuneration of management. In other words, management bonuses and profit-participation payments develop comparably. When Executive Board members and other executives are paid high bonuses in a good year, both employees and clients also receive high profit-participation payments – and conversely, in a weaker year everyone receives a lower payment.
Crude Oil Business (all)
The profit-participation scheme principally includes all the world crude operations of the Group’s fully consolidated companies apart from The Oil Club International. These and companies with external Investors or Sponsors have similar success and profit participation models adapted to local requirements.Participation Programm (Clients)
Issuing Date: 2018
Reference: **IS.767565*
Type: Participation Sheet made out to Bearer
Participants: legal and natural entities
Tranches: €100,000 €150,000 €250,000 €500,000+
Agio: 1,25%
Fixed Interest Rate: freely negotiable between min of 8,25% p.a. (guaranteed) and 9.80% p.a.
Bonus (fixed): 0,75% to 1,50% of all consolidated HANSE crude oil transactions in the investors home country or otherwise agreed; both payable pro rata within 4 months + 6 banking days.
Notice Period: 3 years, max 5 years, or otherwise agreeable.
HANSE Business Class Assessment Account required
Please review:
This is a worthwhile plan. We are looking for long term stability to continue our portfolio of profitable businesses. Steady increases means, profits for all my workers. I need to hold on to that remedy.